Authorisation Manager

Manage customs authorisations efficiently

AWB Consulting's Authorisation Manager offers you the opportunity to manage all customs authorisations based on the self-assessment questionnaire within a single tool. The Authorisation Manager supports you in the challenge of keeping an eye on various authorisations at the same time and saves personnel resources while increasing the efficiency of your processes.

In addition, the reported changes in the self-assessment questionnaire are stored in an audit-proof manner. Older reports are archived and can be retrieved at any time.

Usually, only a few main customs offices share the information or questionnaires across departments in the authority, which can lead to submitted information not being available to the responsible department and the notifications not being taken into account for your authorisation. As the individual changes are difficult to assign to the authorisations manually, it is difficult to trace them afterwards. We have decided to greatly simplify this with the Authorisation Manager.

The Authorisation Manager is a useful addition to our AEO Manager, and both tools can be combined if desired.

Your benefits:

  • Assistance in entering the necessary data for your customs-relevant authorisations
  • Automatic allocation of changes to the relevant authorisations
  • Mapping and processing of open to-do's
  • Audit-proof management (and good traceability of changes)
  • Clear status display
  • Management of your company structure (incl. cross-location authorisations)
  • Storage of notes and information