
Your tool for initial application and status maintenance

AEO (Authorised Economic Operator)-certified companies are legally obliged to prove that they permanently fulfil the AEO authorisation requirements as part of systematic monitoring, even if the status is generally valid for an unlimited period of time. In order to maintain the status, it is necessary, depending on the type of authorisation, to fulfil demanding procedural and security-related criteria in addition to carrying out monitoring and to prove this through regular, effective inspections. Similarly, relevant company-related changes must be recorded, evaluated and, if necessary, reported immediately to the main customs office.

As a compliance tool, the AWB AEO Manager supports you in maintaining the status and monitoring and thus becomes part of the company's own compliance management. All areas of the company can be integrated into the monitoring process in a workflow-based, smooth and efficient manner. The functionalities include the option of assigning tasks, which enables efficient and time-saving collaboration and organisation of tasks across departmental boundaries within the company. The AEO Manager also offers IT-based support for the self-assessment required for certification for companies that are being certified as AEOs for the first time (e.g. because markets abroad are being opened up).

Your advantages:

  • Faster and easier AEO certification
  • Permanent assurance of AEO status through monitoring and documentation
  • Reduced costs, time saving and protection of personnel resources
  • Effective compliance management